Practical theological facilitation, a brief introduction
Practical theological facilitation, a brief introduction [one_half]Dear fellow traveler, this is an informal brief introduction to practical theological facilitation. It can barely be an outline. ...
Metaphors for God (Radio RSG)
To a very large extent our understanding of the world (our reality) is shaped by metaphors. No surprise then that the metaphors we use when speaking about God, the qualities of God, the activities of ...
What do ROI (return on investment) and the garden of Eden have in common?
I was giving a facilitator's presentation(1) today at the Da Vinci institute. Driving back from Kempton Park I saw one of these retro taxi cabs. You can partly see it in the photo below. The topic I f ...
You thought leaders aren’t emotional!?
[message type="info"]Is currently on RSG radio 10:50am, 1-5 October 2012..[/message] What do you say? Here are all the podcasts up to today 3 October (with two remaining) [audio:http://www.elmopien ...
As believers in the world
What do you say? The following short 3 minute interviews were hosted on RSG, national South African radio, 6-10 August 2012. The theme was 'As believers in the world.' Thank you for listening ...
Done! Next? (Doing Christian Life)
(Reference Scripture/s: Luke 4:15-21; Luke 6:46-49) What's your christian community's or churches custom around reading from the Bible. One thing that caught my attention from this passage and most ...
Hope for an unbelieving believer
SCRIPTURE BACKGROUND: Mark 9:14-29 How desperate the father must have been bringing this case of his son not being able to speak before Jesus. He probably tried different things throughout his life ...
Rubbing shoulders with Jesus
ABOUT: This post is part of my notes CONTEXT: Written while doing the Reading Plan for the gospel of Mark. SCRIPTURE: Mark 5:28-34 (The inner story - The woman suffering from bleeding ...
Be quick Jesus!
ABOUT: This post is part of my notes CONTEXT: Written while doing the Reading Plan for the gospel of Mark. SCRIPTURE: Mark 5:21-43 (The outer story - Jesus and Jairus' daughter) Th ...
Acting on the Spirit
ABOUT: This post is part of my notes CONTEXT: Written while doing the Reading Plan for the gospel of Mark. SCRIPTURE: Mark 4:17-20 When reading this parable where would you put you ...